Adaptive Climbers Festival

Our Approach

Adaptive outdoor activities can be a great way to empower yourself. To facilitate that, ACF is committed to removing and dealing with physical and societal barriers so that you can experience rock climbing in a way that is adapted to your needs. Our well-trained volunteer staff, consisting of able-bodied allies and climbers with disabilities alike, operates in partnership with Catalyst Sports, a 501c3 nonprofit adaptive sports organization. We provide the rope systems, adaptive climbing techniques and adaptive climbing gear to get you to the crag, and up it. 

Whether you’re wanting to learn to rock climb or an experienced climber who has medaled in many paraclimbing competitions, ACF is a barrier-breaking climbing festival that focuses on helping people with disabilities stay active.

The Event

While we take your experience and safety seriously, we never take ourselves too seriously. We’re all about letting the good times roll, or hop, or use crutches, or scoot, or crawl. Whatever suits the moment, really. 

Hosted at beautiful Lago Linda Hideaway, the event starts with an afternoon/evening registration, and a group dinner where you can get to know your fellow adaptive climbers in a casual environment. You’ll set up your tent and pick the spot where you’ll lay your head for the next several days. Not an experienced camper? We got you. We have tents and sleeping bags to loan, and our volunteers can help you set up. Still not sure about tent camping? Reach out to, and let’s chat. We’ll help you make accessible camping a success. 

On our scheduled climbing days, it’s time for early breakfast, then adaptive climbing clinics and workshops in camp or Muir Valley. If clinics aren’t your thing, you can join open climb sessions. Our staff will have picked out the crags that suit different populations’ needs and set up the rope systems beforehand. 

After a full day at the crag, head back to Lago Linda to enjoy a great dinner provided by our dedicated cook staff.

Who We Are

Find out about our mission, methods, and values.