Contact Us
Questions? Concerns? Just need to reach out?
The ACF is 100% volunteer run, so we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Registration: July 1, 2024.
Send us an email:
Communications@adaptiveclimbersfest.org - For registration, event information and other general inquiries
Or, reach out and follow us on social media!
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/AdaptiveFest
Instagram: @AdaptiveClimbersFest
Email Signup
A lot of folks have been reaching out to ask questions about things like clinics and how they can help support ACF. We have setup some email ListServs you can join to stay extra connected on some topics. Click on the link below to join these topic groups and be in the know! Otherwise, you’ll see general updates on this information on our website and social channels, too.
Clinics - Join to hear the latest on clinics as they develop
Donations and Support - We have a hearty list of in-kind and sponsor donations we are seeking for this year’s ACF. We could use all the helping hands we can get! Join this group if you’d like to help or stay informed.