When is ACF? The Adaptive Climbers Festival 2025 will take place Oct. 16-19, 2025.

Where is it? The Red River Gorge is a huge canyon near the towns of Slade and Beattyville. The address for our camp host, Lago Linda’s, is 950 Blacks Ridge Rd. Beattyville, KY 41311. Check out their website for turn by turn directions.

The programmed climbing will be at Muir Valley, and you can read more about that and it’s location here.

How do I get there? You can always enjoy a drive! Otherwise a lot of our crew flies in. The closest airport, Lexington, is about an hour away. Cincinatti and Louisville are usually just under three hours, but most people find Cincy to be cheaper. Indianapolis is four and a half. If you’re looking to split a rental car, shoot an email to operations@adaptiveclimbersfest.org and well send you a link to the carpool webpage (we keep it private since it involves people’s travel plans that the whole internet doesn’t need to know about!) Note: While we are happy to provide the carpool forum, ACF does not arrange any travel for our participants. Getting there and back is your responsibility.

What’s the lodging situation? Lago’s has all sorts of lodging - tent sites, RV camper sites, and cabins. ACF has rented all of the cabins already and these will only be available for people who medically cannot camp and cannot afford to rent a cabin offsite. If you just don’t want to stay in a tent, you’ll want to start looking for a cabin rental ASAP as October is a very popular time of the year.

What amenities does Lago’s have? There are two shower houses with flush toilets, running water, and hot showers. There are pavilions to get shade or shelter from rain, and there is ok wifi in the main area of camp. If you’re bringing a cooler there is bagged ice for sale on site.

I want to camp but don’t have equipment: We’ll have a limited amount of loaner tents, sleeping bags, and sleeping pads but we’d recommend trying to borrow from someone before you arrive. We’re still trying to line up a bigger loaner fleet. Email us if you need help. There is also a place on their registration form to request what you need!

I’ve only climbed indoors before: That’s awesome! We’ll be offering a gym to crag clinic that may be perfect for you, but also feel free to join any other clinics or just hang out with open climb. The RRG is a great place to have your first outdoor climbing experience.

I’ve NEVER climbed before: That’s AWESOME! We love hanging with first timers here at the ACF.

I don’t have any of my own climbing gear: Bring what you have, and we’ll have plenty to share. Our sponsors will have demo fleets of harnesses, shoes, helmets. Group gear like ropes, quickdraws will be supplied.

I’m an experienced climber, and I don’t know that the ACF is for me: It so, so is for you! In fact, nearly half of our participants have at least four years of climbing experience. If you want to go explore the gorge, you’re totally free to go do your own thing and climb whatever, wherever. Or, you can come climb with us and Muir and move around as you’d like. Come camp and stay with us though. You won’t want to miss the fun!

I’m not interested in clinics but still want to climb. However, I don’t have much experience: Open Climb is the solution! We’ll have a large section of wall with top ropes hung and belayers ready to catch. You can climb as little or as much as you’d like, just tie in and go!

I want to eat all the food but have dietary restrictions: We have an amazing cook crew for the weekend who will be happy to help accommodate, just let us know your needs when you register. View our ACF Meal page for more information.

I’m a climber and I’m bringing my own gear! That’s great, but MAKE SURE YOUR MARK IT!!! There will be dozens of climber kits scattered everywhere, so unless you want your gear to end up donated to the general ACF gear bucket, make sure you mark it and keep track of it all!


Review the list here: Pack Me!