Emergency Policies & Procedures
This plan outlines the policies, procedures and resources in place at the Adaptive Climbers Festival (ACF) that will be used to address emergencies involving accident, injury, illness, assault, or another serious incident, for any ACF climber, volunteer, or other participants. These policies and procedures are subject to change based on current resources, location of the festival, and the situation at hand.
If a medical emergency has occurred at ACF, immediately radio for the ACF medical team and/or Search and Rescue for first response. Contact Directors immediately.
Important phone numbers:
Critical emergency situations: 9-1-1
Lee County Sheriff Department: (606) 464-4120
Beattyville & Lee County Fire Department: (606) 464-5030
Lago Linda Main Office: (606) 464-2876
Closest Emergency Room (to Lago Linda/Beattyville):
Mercy Health - Marcum and Wallace Memorial Hospital Emergency Department
60 Mercy Ct, Irvine, KY 40336 - 30 minute drive from Basecamp (roughly)
lFor Emergencies at Lago Linda:
If the situation is life-or-limb threatening, call 9-1-1 for EMS immediately.
Stabilize victim to best of ability/respective level of training.
Notify ACF medical staff and Safety, Operations and General Director(s) ASAP.
If non-life threatening, notify ACF medical staff and Safety, Operations and General Director(s) ASAP.
First responder(s) to stabilize/treat victim to their respective level of training (WFA, WFR, WEMT, etc) and notify if additional treatment is needed.
Monitor, maintain aid, and/or evacuate/escalate to EMS as needed.
ACF medical staff are to take control upon arrival on all emergency medical scene(s). At that point, any other early responders are to default to assisting ACF medical staff as required, regardless of training.
For Emergencies at Muir Valley:
If life or limb threatening, call 9-1-1 for EMS immediately.
Stabilize the victim to the best of your ability/respective level of training.
Notify ACF medical staff and Safety, Operations and General Director(s) ASAP.
If non-life threatening, notify ACF medical staff and Safety, Operations and General Director(s) ASAP.
First responder(s) to stabilize/treat victim to their respective level of training (WFA, WFR, WEMT, etc) and notify if additional treatment is needed.
Monitor, maintain aid, and/or evacuate/escalate to EMS as needed.
ACF medical staff are to take control upon arrival on all emergency medical scene(s). At that point, any other early responders are to default to assisting ACF medical staff as required, regardless of training.
Rules and warnings from Muir Valley can be found here.
COMMUNITY CARE: Emergency Policies and Protocols
The Adaptive Climbers Festival is a space where people of all ages and abilities should feel comfortable to be themselves and exist peacefully within their community. The ACF Community Care policies reflect this ethic, and work to protect the safety and comfort of all who attend the Festival.
Unruly ACFer and Removal Policy:
All ACF Staff (also referred to as Festival Organizers or Directors) reserve the right to remove participants and volunteers from the Festival at any time if they meet the Festival’s grounds for immediate removal.
Lago Linda Hideaway and Muir Valley staff also hold the right to remove ACF attendees from their respective properties and spaces if their rules and policies have been violated.
Grounds for immediate removal from ACF
You will be asked to leave the Adaptive Climbers Festival (and its associated properties) if you:
Are under the influence of any inebriating substance (i.e. drugs or alcohol) while climbing, belaying, or taking part in a Festival clinic;
Are operating a vehicle, or any other heavy machinery, while under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the Festival at any time;
Are under the influence of any inebriating substance (i.e. drugs or alcohol) during a volunteer shift;
Are found to have initiated any form of aggravated advance, assault or physical violence toward another person;
Threaten a fellow ACFer, staff, or volunteer in any way, shape, or form;
Are reported to have sexually assaulted or harassed another individual, or have engaged in sexual violence of any kind while at ACF;
Discriminated and/or harassed a fellow ACFer based on their religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other identifying factor.
Harassment & Assault Policy:
Harassment, abuse, and assault of any kind are not allowed at the Adaptive Climbers Festival. It is against Festival policy to harass, assault, or abuse another climber, volunteer, staff, caregiver, or any other Festival participant based on characteristics or status of gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, race, color, ethnicity, age, disability, religion, veteran status, or any other protected status.
Any report received of abuse, assault, non-consensual contact, or harassment of any form may result in the reported party’s removal from the Festival and its associated spaces (i.e. Lago Linda Hideaway and Muir Valley Nature Preserve). Any Festival participant, volunteer, or plus one who is removed from the event due to harassment, assault, or any other reported abuse will not be welcomed back at future ACF events.
Law enforcement will be contacted by ACF organizers in the event of an assault, provided all impacted parties are okay with this action.
Reporting at ACF:
If you experience harassment, abuse, or an assault of any kind (or a similar situation), please notify a Festival Organizer immediately. The direct numbers of the Executive Director, Operations Director, and Safety Director are listed above. Festival Organizers will work with you to ensure you are safe, the abusing party is effectively dealt with, and authorities are notified (if/as needed).