2023 Impact Report

ACF 2023: By the Numbers

112 Climbers with disabilities who attended this year

56 Family members and caregivers in attendance

19 Educational clinics taught

70 Volunteers, staff members and guides

27 U.S. states represented

3 Other countries

3 Canadian provinces

8 Home-cooked meals made, and shared, together

4 Short documentary films, each featuring an adaptive athlete, shown

1 Number of weddings hosted

ACF Climbers:
Years of Climbing Experience

A pie chart features the years of experience that climbers at the 2023 Adaptive Climbers Festival had, with percentages representing spans of years: Decades, 9.8%; 4-10 Years, 46.4%; 1-3 Years, 27.8%; Less than 1 Year, 12.5%; Brand New 3.5%.