The Climbers of ACF
Climber Jim Ewing, a leg amputee; PC Irene Yee
One of the best parts of ACF is that for many of our climbers, it’s their first time every climbing out with someone LIKE them. Instead of being the only person at the gym with a disability, there’s a whole crag full of us! But what’s our make up, exactly? We took the time to dive into the data to see WHO THE HECK IS ACF?!
While amputees and limb differences are the easiest to spot, we’re excited to see folks with less visible disabilities make up so much of our community.
9% - Visual Impairment / Blind
3% - Hearing Impairment / Deaf
32% - Limb Difference / Loss
27%- Orthopedic - Cerebral Palsy, MS, Paraplegia, Spina Bifida
17% - Spinal Cord Injury
8% - Other Health Impairment - Autoimmune
3%- PTSD
Though ACF is primarily targeted towards adults who are in charge of making their own bad decisions, it’s great to see all ages getting down to crush at the RRG, and we’d love to add more folks to either end of that bell curve!
See more statistics below!
Types of Disability of ACF 2022 Participants
ACF 2022 Participant Locations
Age Statistics for ACF 2022